First thing you need to do to use the Widgy App is install the app from the App Store on your iPhone. The Widgy App is free to download and use with 1 widget at a time, to unlock use of more widget you will have to upgrade from the app for a small fee.
Before continuing, make sure you have the QR and any background images saved to your photo album. If you delete these image from your album they will remove themselves from the widget app.

Open the Widgy App and select "Import Widgy"

Select "Import QR Code from Album"

Select the "fuzzy" looking QR image from your iPhone photo album.

You can just select "edit" or "edit as copy" if you are concerned you will mess up the original. There are ways to "undo" and revert the widgets back, or reimport the Widgy QR if you make a mistake and are unable to fix it.

(Note: If you do not have an image to import, skip steps 6 & 7)
Once the widget opens, select the layers tab and the "image layer"

Select the "image" tab, then "image library"

Once the image is added, you can adjust the widget as needed, and when you are ready to finish installed select the back "arrow" then choose "Confirm"

At the bottom of the Widgy App there is a "Manage" tab, select this.

Choose an empty slot to assign to the widget.

Once the image is assigned it will appear here and you can close this app.

On your iPhone home screen touch and hold the screen until your app icons "shake" and this + sign appears at the top. Depending on your device this + sign could be on either the left or right of your iPhone home screen.

Scroll to the bottom of the list until you come to the "Widgy" option, select this.

Scroll through your widgets to select the Widgy App you want to add to your iPhone home screen.

Tap your screen to exit edit mode, and enjoy your new widget.
Widgy app is a newly developed app and can, from time to time, experience minor glitches (i.e. data syncs delayed). You can restart your iPhone device and that usually fixes the problem. Widgy app is a free app to install, but you can only use 1 widget slot at a time live for free, if you would like to use moer than 1 widget through the widgy app you will need to upgrade the app with a one time small payment.